There is now clear evidence of research in the world is not healthy to enjoy angry thoughts, words or actions. Anger contributes to blood pressure disorders, diseases related to cancer and stress, and the weakening of the structure of our society, the family.
On the one hand, a tantrum can be a stress release,
better for you to keep repressed feelings boiling inside.
Frequent bouts of anger can increase the risk of heart attacks and
strokes and weaken your immune system, reports
Britain's Daily Mail. Mull over past mistakes and missed
opportunities - "look back in anger" - may increase sensitivity to pain,
too, say researchers at the University of Granada in Spain.
It is well known that anger affects the body: increased heart rate,
blood pressure and increases blood flow to the muscles is reduced
glucose and increased adrenaline to give a lot of energy
to the muscles "Fight or Flight".
But never express anger, when it's what you feel can be really deadly. Swedish research shows that those who turned away from the conflict without saying (even if they had no reason to be annoying) had twice the risk of heart attack compared to men who defied authority. Unexpressed anger is also linked to a weakened immune system.
This is what you do to break the cycle of anger:
1. Keep a journal, write whenever you feel angry in any way.
2.Cool Off-When you notice that you are caught in a situation of anger, apply one or more of these five techniques for reflection:
- Move away from the situation, out of sight and hearing the other person, if possible.
- Drink a glass of ice water to cool the blood.
- Lie on your back until the anger passes.
Count to 10 if a little angry, 100 if very angry, before you say a word.
- Do something physical, like cleaning furiously home or garden, or exercise uncompetitive.
If nothing works, look in a mirror and see how ugly his face became. It will be a surprise to banish anger.
3.Listen good When someone expresses irritation or anger towards you, try listening without interrupting, to defend or to attack again. They feel valued and understood, not fuel their fire and may have some helpful advice to his complaint.
4.accept Plus-A lot of anger comes from the fact that we want people or situations are different. Accept things as they are not necessarily a sign of weakness. When we choose to enjoy a rainy day, despite the cancellation of plans for a barbecue, which is the weak sense.
5.Sympathize-A friend of mine is in charge of customer complaints of a telephone company. When someone is angry, she sympathizes with them: "The phone is turned off it is terrible No wonder you're angry?". The caller feels grateful to have been understood and anger dissolves. Find the pain behind the anger of the person - then you will feel compassion instead of reacting with anger to yourself.
6.Be Assertive-If "yes" when you mean "no" and "no" when you mean "yes", and builds resentment festers angry. He goes mad with fear to tell the truth, instead of feeling hostility towards the person who is afraid.
7.Look only good thing to see the negative to another person can stir a spark of anger in an uncontrollable fire. Find the strengths and virtues of the person feels anger. Insist on thinking that way, and to talk to them at any time. It smothers the fire and anger has nothing to eat.
We hope that these words help you. However, not always easy to deal with anger in us. Sometimes it is helpful to talk with a professional. Do not let anger ruin your life.
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